“For every beginning is difficult”

AND NOW — if you will now take upon yourselves the observance of My commandments, it will be pleasant (easy) to you from now and henceforth, for every beginning is difficult (Mekhilta d’Rabbi Yishmael 19:5:1).

Earlier this week, I stepped (dove headfirst) into an executive director role and for months prior, I’d been obsessing about the great Rabbi Ishmael and the short quote (and surrounding text) from the Midrashim. In a nutshell, “For every beginning is difficult,” raced through my head constantly. Continue reading ““For every beginning is difficult””

Doing What I Loathe Out of Love

I hate to even mention this, but since I’ve written a few articles about it and I sort of never shut up, there has been A LOT I haven’t liked about #GivingTuesday.

I don’t mean to be the cranky Jewish “Scrooge” of philanthropy, (Scrooge-stein?), but for me, unless #GivingTuesday is implemented in a uniquely creative manner that sets an organization apart, most nonprofits appear like they’re standing in line, waiting for a #GivingTuesday number at a busy deli, I kind of can’t stand it.  Continue reading “Doing What I Loathe Out of Love”

Happy Chanumaskwanzivus!

I want to wish you and your family a happy, HEALTHY, and joyous Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and Festivus, or, “Chanamaskwanzivus.” Say it. It’s fun. Continue reading “Happy Chanumaskwanzivus!”

Amor Fati, Mi Amor

FUN FACT: Sometimes, I wear pants that on the inside, give me positive affirmations –

Hi Beautiful!

I have one pair of pants that in metallic silver writing, says,

You are Gorgeous!

Continue reading “Amor Fati, Mi Amor”

Life Outside of ONE Bubble. U2?

I am always doing something and all of the time, I am wired to do what I can to make things better in this world. My daughters know this, and have never known anything besides dedication to helping others for the greater good. * See definition of Philanthropy below.

Doing nothing is unfathomable to me. I hope you will read this in its entirety, to hear a plea that feels like the plea of my life thus far. Then, I hope you do something.

I’m going to straight up tell you that I’m about to turn 50 years old, and only wish for one gift. Also, I never ask for gifts. Ask my Parents or my kids. They’ll tell you.

Will you help me make a positive impact in this world the minute you stop reading this post? Lives depend upon it.

Continue reading “Life Outside of ONE Bubble. U2?”

There’s no crying in baseball, but my recent sp-ORT is the ‘World Series’ of feels.

Until yesterday, It had been more than 40 years since I’d seen Toni Durchin Werner.

Me, matching the ORT sign, and Toni looking sharp

As wee toddlers/preschoolers, Toni and I used to be schlepped around to “ORT” meetings and events by our mothers. Both of our moms were unwavering in their dedication to this organization, but we really didn’t know why. What I did know, was that, the lox boxes were awesome because they had this cool telephone key chain in them. Toni loved this one particular event that was solely dedicated to chocolate. I’m sort of pissed that my Mom never took me to that chocolate event. Toni got chocolate. I got smoked fish. Oh, the injustice. Continue reading “There’s no crying in baseball, but my recent sp-ORT is the ‘World Series’ of feels.”

Jake Lawler

Writer | Director | Motivational Speaker | Storyteller


Because we’re all recovering from something.

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